Sand Separators

Sand Screw Separators are used for removing fast settling solids, such as sand from influent of sewage treatment and industrial wastewater plants.
The settled material is transported via by a shaftless screw conveyor from the separator, as wet solids and the effluent is returned into the process.
The screw is only supported by a bearing at the drive-end. The advantage of this is that the larger particles cannot jam between the screw and trough.
The sand screw separators are available in a range of sizes from 35m3/hr to a maximum capacity of 125 m3/hr, dependent on type and the settling velocity of the material to be removed.
Dutch Spiral has over 50 years of experience in design, manufacture and installation of shaftless screw conveyors and systems. Our competence lies with strong engineering, inhouse production experienced installation, providing for a high level of service.